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Subject: Gratz, Delbert L
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19 articles matched. Listing entries 11 through 19.
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Abraham Kaestner's opinion on the use of the oath in law. Tr by Delbert Gratz & Agnes Amstutz. 44:398-399 O 1970 (Listed under Amstutz, Agnes; Gratz, Delbert L; Kaestner, Abraham, D. 1747; Mennonites: Doctrines; Oaths) |
The Bernese Anabaptists in the sixteenth century. Delbert L. Gratz. 25:147-172 Jl 1951 (Listed under Anabaptists: Switzerland: Bern; Gratz, Delbert L) |
Bernese Anabaptist origins. Delbert Gratz. 31:294 O 1957 (Listed under Anabaptists: Switzerland: Bern; Gratz, Delbert L) |
Bernese Anabaptism in the seventeenth century. Delbert Gratz. 25:263-282 O 1951 (Listed under Anabaptists: Switzerland: Bern; Gratz, Delbert L) |
Bernese Anabaptism in the eighteenth century. Delbert Gratz. 26:5-21 Ja 1952; 26:99-122, 141 Ap 1952 (Listed under Anabaptists: Switzerland: Bern; Bern (Switzerland: Canton): Emigration And Immigration; Emigration And Immigration; Gratz, Delbert L; Mennonites: Netherlands; Mennonites: Switzerland) |
Manuscript materials in Europe that concern the Anabaptists. Delbert L. Gratz. 41:161-165 Ap 1967 (Listed under Anabaptists: Sources; Gratz, Delbert L) |
Codicum Bernensium, 464. Delbert Gratz. 31:294-295 O 1957 (Listed under Anabaptists: Sources; Anabaptists: Switzerland: Bern; Codicum Bernensium, 464; Gratz, Delbert L; Manuscripts) |
Some periodical articles concerning Anabaptists and Mennonites located in non-Mennonite periodicals. Delbert Gratz. 28:61-67 Ja 1954 (Listed under Anabaptists: Bibliography; Bibliography; Gratz, Delbert L; Mennonites: Bibliography) |
Reviews. Delbert L. Gratz. 61:430-431 O 1987 (Listed under Gratz, Delbert L) |
19 articles matched. Listing entries 11 through 19.
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