Nyarero Clinic and School

On Wednesday morning we made the short drive further up the escarpment to the small town of Nyarero. We brought Eva and Andre with us so they could spend some time with Evan Grimes and Jess Klink who are living in Nyayero. We woke early so we could arrive in Nyarero in time to see Evan teach at Nyarero Secondary School.
We met Evan and Jess at the main road and parked the Landrover at the clinic where Jess works. We walked the short 10 minute walk to Evan’s school, arriving in time to see the students gather in the courtyard for announcements and the morning welcome. The Nyayero Secondary school was built with donations from Nyayero residents and the government recruited and pays the teachers’ salaries. Evan is teaching math for Form 1 (9th grade) and Form 3 (junior). On the day we arrived his lesson began at 8:00 a.m. We were impressed with Evan’s command of the classroom and material – he did a great job teaching ratios and constant variations. Evan usually teaches for 45 minutes, then the students work on problems for another 45 minutes based on the lesson for that day. We greeted Evan’s colleagues at the school before walking back up the hill to Nyarero clinic where Jess works.
The Nyayero clinic is staffed with a doctor and several nurses and provides basic healthcare for the local residents of Nyayero. It was started many years ago by the Mennonite church, but now receives funding and support from the government. Jess gave us a tour of the clinic explaining the varied healthcare options that are provided at the clinic. Patients are commonly treated for malaria, minor ailments and even simple surgeries. The clinic also offers family planning services, baby wellness check-ups and assists mothers in delivering their babies. Jess is busy and has engaged the work so well! She has witnessed the birth of several children and is actively involved in the daily routines at the clinic – helping patients check-in, assisting in administering medicines, and measuring and weighing babies. She commented to us that she loves her service assignment!
After the clinic visit we walked to Evan’s home at the top of the hill, next to the Mennonite Church. Evan lives with Pastor Samson Wilson and his wife and children. Pastor Wilson serves at the Mennonite Church in addition to farming the land around the house. Evan’s host mother welcomed us with a tasty “tea” of potatoes, rice, tea and bananas – the culture is legendary for welcoming visitors with food! We took advantage of a few free hours to drive to Tarime Magoto to see if we could find Seth Yoder, who is teaching at a small primary school there. Seth has been living with Amon Wambura, the doctor who works with Jess at the clinic. Since Seth is not living with other GC students in Tarime Magoto, we thought he might enjoy a surprise visit – which he did!
We returned to Nyarero to have lunch with Jess’ host family, Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Mchuma. Again we relished a good meal together, while discussing farming and life in Nyarero. Before leaving we were given some sweet bananas (mmmmmm), and we bought some cooking bananas from Gabriel as gifts for friends back in Musoma.
Jess and Evan are known by most everyone in the town and are fitting in so well! After big hugs, we said goodbye and made the 30 minute drive back to Mogabiri.
– Ryan for the team