City and Families
Time clocks are starting to change for sleeping and waking after a second night in Dar.
We started the day with a bus tour of Dar es Salaam. One of the highlights was a walk through the markets of Kariakoo which sprawl over many city blocks. At the center is a large market building, long since outgrown, originally built by the Germans, and later used by the British to house their “Carrier Corps” (which became “Kariakoo”). We also visited the wood carvers of Mwenge, the fish market at Kivukoni, and Tinga-tinga painters in Oyster Bay, and drove past the President’s residence (State House) on Barack Obama (!) drive.

We ended at “Nyumbani Goshen” (Kathy and Paul’s apartment) for a lunch rich in fruits and vegetables.

Then it was time to meet the families! We walked 10 minutes to Upanga Mennonite Church, where we had a brief orientation with families and students. And then everyone set off for their new Dar es Salaam homes. Most went with their host family. Some host families picked up students hosted by a neighbor. Peter got away before we documented his departure to his new home in Nyantira.