Ordination at Shirati

Five new bishops were ordained at Shirati on Sunday.
Elections back in January elevated a new generation to leadership positions within the Kanisa Mennonite Tanzania (KMT). SST service coordinator, Emmanuel Matuntera, is the new Bishop of Tarime. Sadie’s host father, Pastor Kateti, is now Bishop Kateti. SST country sponsor Pastor John Wambura is the new General Secretary of the Mennonite Church. And SST study coordinator Zablon Hibwa is the new Youth Secretary. Congratulations to all the new leaders!
The ordination ceremony at Shirati took place before a crowd of about 3,000. Choirs from across the Mara region came to perform. Keith Weaver from Lancaster Mennonite Conference came.

President Magufuli was going to come, but sent his energy secretary in his stead. The ceremony and worship ran from 9 in the morning to about 3 in the afternoon, and then everyone was fed.
We were particularly keen to see the Nyarero church choir, which included Isaac, Laura, and Austin. A number of SST’ers from Shirati and nearby towns came as well.