Goshen College

Final days in Dar

Sunday Feb. 19, 2023

This week marks our last week in Dar es Salaam before we head through the Serengeti toward our service locations. On Monday Feb. 20th we will leave on the night train from Dar to go to Arusha where we will spend one day exploring sustainable agriculture and links to carbon markets. We will also meet with some old friends from GC and Mennonite Central Committee (MCC), more on that in another blog!

Wednesday we will leave Arusha for the Ngorongoro Crater (1 night camping on the rim) and Serengeti National Park (1 night camping in the park) and then spend 2 nights outside the SNP at a cultural ecotourism campsite. We will arrive in Musoma on Sunday Feb. 26. The following day, students will head to their respective host family locations.

Given our travels, the blog may be a bit quiet for the next week as internet (and extra time) will be sparse!

We leave you with some pictures from two goodbye celebrations we had this week. On Friday our Swahili teachers arranged a party filled with singing, skits, and gift-giving. The students have loved working with Israel, Shangwe, and Martin.

Saturday evening we hosted a party for the host families at a local hotel on the harbor. We enjoyed a meal and sharing our thanks. Students sang a song and Billy wrote an essay of thanks, which he read (we will link that here later). We gave each host family a framed picture of their family with their SST student. It was a memorable end to an amazing 5 weeks.