They’re Back!
We are pleased to report that the students all safely returned to Musoma today! As the students arrived from their various locations, they were shuttled from the bus stand to the Mennonite Center. With each new group’s arrival, cheers of excitement went up and hugs were abundant! Small groups shared stories as we awaited the remaining students. Most everyone had arrived by noon and after conversing with each other (an amazing buzz throughout the dining room…) we once again enjoyed a meal together as a group. Following the meal, we held a short meeting to go over the schedule for our final week here in Tanzania. Students were free to walk into town, catch up on writing, or simply relax in their rooms. We once again gathered for dinner and took an “after service” group picture.
Tomorrow morning we’ll wake up early and head to our bus stand at 5:00 a.m. for our long (16 hour!) drive back to Dar es Salaam. The drive will provide more time for storytelling, general catching up, and (I’m sure) sleep! Until then, usiku mwema and lala salama (goodnight and sleep peacefully)!