Mogabiri / Nyarero / Kemakorere
Isaac, Laura, Austin, and Cecilia are living in small villages north of Tarime.
Cecilia is living and volunteering on an agricultural extension farm run by the Anglican church in Mogabiri. She finds herself editing grants, but has also learned to milk a cow. Her host mother is the director of the farm, but was gone for a funeral while we were there.
Isaac teaches at the secondary school in Nyarero. It’s a school for day students. They were without a science teacher, and so Isaac had a full teaching schedule right away! He lives with a Nyarero church staff member on top of a hill. Just down the hill there is a fantastic long distance view. On clear days you can see across into Kenya.
Laura is also living in Nyarero. She volunteers at a clinic which was built by the Mennonites, and now has government-paid staff. The clinic has wards for men and women and a diagnostic lab. One of the highlights for Laura has been helping women birth children.
Austin is living with a school teacher in Kemakorere. He has been doing construction and working hard. One project has been a dispensary to provide non-urgent medical care.
Kemakorere, though larger than Nyarero, has no medical services.
At the end of a long hard day what does Austin do? He’s found a friend willing to make workout equipment out of concrete and branches, and they teach fitness exercises to students!