You should read this article so you can be safe when you are going to play soccer and now the rules so you won’t get hurt so read today. Also thats why you need to read this article-who ever does not now the rules of the yellow and red cards.
In the game of soccer yellow cards are used to caution players that hurt other players. They also use red cards to signal a player is injured severely. During a game if you get two yellow cards the player get’s one automatic-red card and you can not play that match until the next match you have.
In games-yellow and red cards are used when guilty of unsporting behavior of the player. Yellow cards are also for persistently in infringes the law of the game. Red cards are also used when you are guilty of foul play in game. Red cards are also used in offensive or insulting and abusive language and
gesture and also hitting the ref that can get you in bad places. Yellow cards can also be used for being bad things like getting mad and hitting somebody on purpose. Red cards can be used when you spit on an opponent or any other person on the field.
Consequences for breaking rules in the game is if a player that gets one yellow card can continue the match. Also in game if a player gets a red card in that game he/she can not play in that match. Some coaches generally say if you just get one red card you can not play a match of one to three game.
Now that you have learned about yellow and red cards you can now tell your friends to read this article and learn about them. Also you can get other people to read this article and they could learn about yellow and red cards how there used.