
The tug of peace: Shalom in the academy
Ruth Krall Tom Clancys most recent futurist novel, The
Bear and the Dragon (Berkeley Publishing Group of Penguin, 2000),
includes a short war involving China, Russia, NATO nations and the
United States. more
Turning tangles of tension into knots of strength
Carolyn Schrock-Shenk (interview with Ryan Miller 95)
Ryan: What is conflict transformation, and why is it important to
our everyday lives? Carolyn: Basically it means change, transforming
the conflict into something more positive. more
A culture of peace
Mary Yoder Holsopple (with Rachel Lapp 95) When working
as a social worker in a oca middle school, I met Carmen and Kim.
Both had been suspended for a couple days for fighting, but it was
clear the clash was not finished. more
Bringing care to those in need
Jeevan Paul 90 (with Ryan Miller 95) As a child,
as far back as I can remember, isues about peace and justice consumed
me. more
Tying a knot: Voths Vietman service spans 40 years
Donad Voth 63 (by Ryan Miller 95) Donald Voth
63 commitment to peace did not begin at Goshen Colege - his
pacifis tic passions brought him here. more
Combating fear with nonviolence
Regin Shands Stotzfus 84 (by Andrew Clause 03)
Regina Shands Stoltfuz 84 arrived in Goshen in the early 1980s
loded with concern for peace and justice, but without a clear target
for her passion. more
In the way : bearing witness against violence
Jonathan Horst '02, diary excerpts (with Ryan Miller 95)
June 19: Though I know that the suns energy sustains
all life, I sometimes wish it would just go awaw! more
Waging justice for cildren through advocacy
Jo Becker 85 (with Rachel Lapp 95) Jo Becker
85 is the Children's Rights Advocacy Director for Human Rights
Watch, an organization that conduct systematic investigations of
human rights abuses in about ... more
Cortright: Seek relationship, not revenge
David Cortright The images of planes striking the Word trade
Center and the Pentagon are indelibly marked in our consciousness.
SST endings and begining
Andrew Clause 03 and Ryan Miller 95 The first
Study-Service Term in 1968 to Costa Rica was a special one. more

Peace and purpose
Many of us can remember a first conversation in Sunday school about...
more |

Our vocation is reconciliation
Can an institution have a vocation? The first response most of us
have to this question... more |

Anien 59 - With vivid colors suggesting the richness
of ... more
2001 Culture for Service recipients
Gerad L. Huges 54 - Gerald L. Hughes '54 has spent
his life working to educate the young ... more
Stanley 48 and Arlie 50 Weaver - In 1951, Stanley
'48 and Arlie Hershberger Weaver '50 followed a call to... more
N. Beachy 66 - of the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
... more
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