Tuesday, March 18, 2008
On the fifth anniversary of the Iraq War
Multicultural Interfaith Candlelight Vigil – Lament the Deaths; Pray for Peace
When: 8:30-9 p.m. – Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Where: Plymouth United Church of Christ, corner of Plymouth & Main Streets, Goshen
What: Come together for a silent vigil to remember and mourn and pray; to be a public witness to our desire for peace; to strengthen and energize each other for the journey.
Who: Latinos, Anglos, academics, students, citizens … people of faith who want to pray for peace
Why: In the five years of war, nearly 4,000 American troops have died and tens of thousands wounded; hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have been killed, wounded or displaced; and the United States is spending $5 billion dollars each month on the war.
Despite this, the war is receding in our awareness. It has become the easily ignored background noise to our own day-to-day realities. This is untenable. We as a people of faith who are living in relative security are called to raise our voices and our prayers to end this death, destruction and waste.
Notes: Bring candles. Tell friends. Cookies and fellowship will follow the vigil.
For more information, contact: John von Lackum (Plymouth United Church of Christ) at (574) 287-0127 or Carolyn Schrock-Shenk (Goshen College Peace, Justice and Conflict Studies Department) at (574) 538-8470.