2010 Winter Campus Photos January 8, 2010 Date of Event: January 7-8, 2010 Photos taken by: Jodi H. Beyeler The plants on campus give a sense of how much has fallen. Goshen has been receiving a heavy dose of snow over the past few days, and not a lot of sun. Warm drinks are a must at this time of year. A snow-covered tree in front of the Union Building. As students began the second semester, snow fell, the cold chilled and wind whipped. Students head back to their rooms after class. Professor of History John D. Roth talks with a student after class. The weather didn’t keep our friendly hawk away though. After days of a hiding sun, it decided to show its face on the morning of Jan. 8. Though it was still cold, sunlight gave the campus a glow. Appearing overnight, small and large circles dot the snow-covered lawn. Aliens aren’t suspected. The view from the top floor of the Connector of students between classes. Goshen College Music Center The Administration Building The Science Building The snow-covered bench Adelphian Fountain and Kulp Hall Kulp Hall A close-up of the college’s seal on the bench.