Photos by: Anna Ruth ’12, Kaeli Evans ’14, Alysha Landis ’11, Summer Hasan ’12 and Jodi H. Beyeler
10.12.12: the renovated hallway in the Union10.12.12: the renovated hallway in the Union10.12.12: looking in on the conference room in new Center for Intercultural and International Education10.12.12: the conference room in new Center for Intercultural and International Education10.12.12: the reception area in new Center for Intercultural and International Education10.12.12: the reception area in new Center for Intercultural and International Education10.12.12: the reception area in new Center for Intercultural and International Education10.12.12: the reception area in new Center for Intercultural and International Education10.12.12: the reception area in new Center for Intercultural and International Education10.12.12: seating in the new Center for Intercultural and International Education10.12.12: windows that look into the new Center for Intercultural and International Education10.12.12: a new seating area in the Union8.16.12: new bike racks next to the new main entrance8.16.12: a patio is built in front of the Leafraker Snack Shop8.16.12: landscaping is beginning to be worked on around the Union8.16.12: the south entrance8. new windows in the main hallway8. a new stair well8. The new men’s restroom8. the new offices for the Center for Intercultural and International Education8.16.12: the new offices for the Center for Intercultural and International Education8.16.12: the new offices for the Center for Intercultural and International Education8.16.12: the new offices for the Center for Intercultural and International Education8. the new women’s restroom8.6.12: a new men’s restroom8. the new south entrance8.6.12: New windows have been installed in the hall looking out on Main Street8.6.12: The former main entrance is now windows8.6.12: A view from the Leafraker Snack Shop8.6.12: New Welcome Center entranceOutside the Union will be a brick patio for Leaf Raker diners. The main entrance to the Leaf Raker will be on the north end by the former CITL offices, opening onto the new patio. GC will also use this space to pilot a set of lampposts lit by LED lights – July 13, 2012New drinking fountains in the renovated Union building make it easy to fill up a water bottle – July 13, 2012Inside the new SST, MAO and CITL office space – July 13, 2012New restrooms inside will replace those formerly located on the North side of the gymnasium – July 13, 2012The remaining half of the gym that was not included in the renovation will continue to be used as storage and a training space for athletic teams – July 13, 2012New windows were installed in the hallway of the Union, replacing the doors that formerly faced Main Street – July 13, 2012Painting the entrance to new office spaces – July 13, 2012Windows were installed on the North side of the mailbox hallway, replacing what had been the main entrance doors – July 13, 2012New windows were installed in the hallway of the Union, replacing the doors that formerly faced Main Street – July 13, 2012A crane lifts one of seven pieces of a new heating and cooling unit for the Union – July 13, 2012The new heating and cooling system installed in the Union – July 13, 2012The new heating and cooling system installed in the Union – July 13, 2012Crew works at replacing the windows on the West side of the Union – July 13, 2012West side of the Union – July 13, 2012Improvements to the parking lot outside the Union – July 13, 2012A crane lifts one of seven pieces of a new heating and cooling unit for the Union – July 13, 2012Union construction — June 22, 2012Union construction — June 22, 2012Union construction — June 22, 2012Utility Manager and Sustainability Coordinator Glenn Gilbert gives a tour of the Union construction progress to friends of the GC community — June 22, 2012Union construction progress — June 22, 2012Utility Manager and Sustainability Coordinator Glenn Gilbert gives a tour of the Union construction progress to friends of the GC community — June 22, 2012Utility Manager and Sustainability Coordinator Glenn Gilbert gives a tour of the Union construction progress to friends of the GC community– June 22, 2012Union construction progress — June 22, 2012Union construction progress — June 22, 2012Union construction progress — June 22, 2012Union construction progress — June 22, 2012Union construction — June 5, 2012Union construction — June 5, 2012Union construction — May 14, 2012Union construction — May 14, 2012Union construction — May 14, 2012Union construction — May 14, 2012Union construction — May 14, 2012Union construction — May 14, 2012Ripping up the Union gym — February 20, 2012Ripping up the Union gym — February 20, 2012Ripping up the Union gym — February 20, 2012Ripping up the Union gym — February 20, 2012Ripping up the Union gym — February 20, 2012Ripping up the Union gym — February 20, 2012Ripping up the Union gym — February 20, 2012Ripping up the Union gym — February 20, 2012