Baccalaureate Service
The 2017 Baccalaureate Service centered on the theme Seeds of Change: Sowing Peace, Justice & Hope.
The 2017 Baccalaureate Service centered on the theme Seeds of Change: Sowing Peace, Justice & Hope.
Graduates, families and faculty from various academic departments celebrated on Saturday, April 29, 2017.
The pinning ceremony is a symbolic welcoming of newly graduated nurses into the nursing profession.
Photos from around campus in April 2017.
Goshen College’s three choirs presented their most colorful and most anticipated concert of the school year: the annual EARTHTONES concert of world choral music on April 22, 2017.
On April 21, 2017, President James E. Brenneman gave his farewell address and hosted a reception and picnic.
Goshen College co-sponsored a conference titled “Shared Opportunity, Shared Success: Latinos, Higher Education, Indiana’s Future,” in conjunction with Independent Colleges of Indiana (ICI), at the University of Notre Dame on April 13, 2017.
Goshen College and Pinchpenny Press are publishing an intercultural guidebook titled “The Goshen College Guide to Studying and Serving Abroad: Essays on Intercultural Learning,” drawing on the experiences of faculty, staff and students who have participated in SST.
The Goshen College Symphony Orchestra performed their spring concert on Sunday, April 8, 2017.
Students celebrated Spring on a sunny April 8 afternoon with activities on the KMY Lawn.