Broken Shield removal, repainting
The iconic Broken Shield sculpture, created by John Mishler, was removed from campus in August to be sandblasted and repainted.
The iconic Broken Shield sculpture, created by John Mishler, was removed from campus in August to be sandblasted and repainted.
Goshen College hosted a Pokémon Go lure event on July 17, 2016.
Photos from around campus in May 2016
Residence life held a May term barbecue and volleyball tournament on May 11, 2016.
Photos from around campus in April, 2016.
Photos from around campus in April, 2016.
On March 12-13, 2016, admitted incoming students gathered to get to know each other, do a service project, go bowling and worship together.
In order to help maintain our campus prairies, students and staff performed a controlled burn on March 12, 2016.
Photos from around campus during February, 2016. Photos by Hannah Sauder ’16, Maddie Gerig ’17, Lisette Bermudez ’18, and Brian Yoder Schlabach…
Photos from January 2016 at Goshen College.