Final home men’s soccer game
Date: Oct. 25, 2014 Photographer: Hannah Sauder ’16…
Date: Oct. 25, 2014 Photographer: Hannah Sauder ’16…
Date: August 27, 2014 Photographer: Brian Yoder Schlabach…
Date: Friday, April 11, 2014 Photographer: Brian Yoder Schlabach ’07 In recent years, Goshen College has restored 12 acres of lawn to native landscaping (only part of this was burned today). In order to promote this native landscape, it is very helpful to simulate naturally occurring fires. For more background…
Winter 2013-14 Photographers: Brian Yoder Schlabach ’07 and Merrill Kraybill, professor of art…
Enjoy the beautiful colors of fall on the Goshen College campus Photographers: Alia Munley ’15 and Brian Yoder Schlabach…
Date: July 2013 Photographer: Brian Yoder Schlabach The wildflowers on campus are in full bloom.
Dates: April 18 & 25, 2013 Photos by: Brian Yoder Schlabach and Alex Pletcher ’14…
Date: May 4 – Nov. 9, 2012 Photos by: Anna Ruth ’12, Kaeli Evans ’14, Alysha Landis, Summer Hasan ’12 and Jodi H. Beyeler Visit the train underpass blog for more information, photos and videos!…
Photos by: Hannah Bartel ’13, Alysha Landis ’11, Alex Pletcher ’15 and Emily Trapp ’13…
Date: February 20 thru October 12, 2012 Photos by: Anna Ruth ’12, Kaeli Evans ’14, Alysha Landis ’11, Summer Hasan ’12 and Jodi H. Beyeler…